P1 Driving Assessment in your car or in our automatic dual controled car.

Learn to drive with a professional driver trainer in a friendly and relaxed environment.

Professional Driver Training

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Modern and Safe Vehicles

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Modern and Safe Vehicles

View Our Vehicles

Our Services

Our Services

Authorised P1 Driving Assessment.

Personalised customer service to suit your learning requirements.

For online booking click the Bookings tab where you can find more information about appointment availability and prices.

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Our Vehicle

Our Vehicle

Hyundai Kona 2020- Automatic - Air Conditioned and Dual Control fitted vehicle

Make a Booking

Make a Booking

Take the stress out of driving assessment and book your assessment with us. Sit back and relax as I will explain to you the assessment step by step.

Click on the booking tab and book your appointment now.

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About Us

Background information:

I have commenced driver training in July 2005 and our business has been growing steadily ever since. Prior to driver training I was a tradesman. During my 15 years as a tradesman I had the opportunity to train apprentices. Before long, I realised that I have a passion for training and working with people, including slow learners. I often get complemented for being very patient and able to explain things thoroughly. I hold Certificate 4 in Training and Assessment. For a some years I worked for a large government department in a customer service role and also in the tourism industry.

Call to make an appointment:

0429 592 653

Based in Ulverstone, Tasmania. Our service area includes Penguin, Ulverstone, Forth, Leith, Don , Devonport, Latrobe, Quoiba, Spreyton.